Today I don’t feel like skiing on the slopes of Meran 2000 but nonetheless, there are countless options for experiences outdoors. Adventures that indulge all of the senses. Some spectacular, other peaceful. Some challenging and many relaxing. The possibilities are as manifold as my holiday bucket list.
Auf dem Rundkurs auf 1.640 Metern Höhe laufen Sie auf drei Kilometern Länge durch den Winterwald über die Hochebene. Geeignet für Skater und klassische Läufer bietet die Strecke auch für Anfänger und Familien perfekte Bedingungen.
Meran 2000 is just a few minutes from our Hotel in Avelengo, South Tyrol. So the tobogganing run with 3 kilometres length is close too. You can also use the 3 lift ticket for your experiences. Gliding through the snow, riding through the forest or maybe you want to ride with the Alpin Bob on 1,1 km from the mountain station.
At the Outdoor Kids Camp the youngest winter lovers can turn and learn with the ski school. Maybe you want to go for a snowball fight with the family gang during the winter hike or cuddle up under the warm blanket on your sleigh-ride.